Tuesday, 20 March 2007

CC1 - Week 3 - Spectral Analysis

In this weeks lesson we were shown how to use the spectral analysis program named Spear. As part of our task we had to use our original paper sounds from last week to create an additional six samples, using techniques such as time offset and stretch, transpose, pitch shift, and general cutting and pasting. I basically did random things to my sounds, with no specific outcome in mind, as this would give me a better idea of what techniques produce what sounds. It is really quite amazing what sounds you can come up with through spectral editing.

This first sound is probably my least favourite, as it is not that different and not much is happening. I mainly used the frequency transpose and a bit of cutting and pasting.

Sample 1

In this sound I quite like the harmonics. I think this is because i cut the word slayer into the spectrum, which instantly makes it an awesome sound. I also used frequency transpose and copying and pasting to make a large mass which I could cut holes into.

This sound is pretty crazy, I did a lot of time stretching at different frequencies on this one, as well as a bit of frequency stretching.

Sample 3

I am not really fond of this sample, as it is quite short and once again nothing amazing happens. In this sample I used frequency transpose and shift as well as cutting holes.

Sample 4

I basically went crazy with the frequency shifter and time stretcher in this one, although it didn’t really turn out as well as I thought it might.

Sample 5

This last sound is my favourite as it sort of sounds like something out of a sci-fi/ horror movie or game. I time stretched two sections massively (so they were about an hour long) and then cut and pasted several sections again and again. At the end of the sample I used the sound from the start of the sample, and used time stretching to shorten it, then copied it over a range of frequencies. I also had to cut the end off this sample due to it being over an hour long. As i did not know how to do this using Spear, I used a program called GoldWav instead.

Sample 6

Hit up.

Monday, 19 March 2007

AA1 - Week 3 (2) - Studio 2

In this session of Audio Arts, we were introduced into the workings of studio 2. We were told the start up and shut down procedures of the studio, which was the mains power, the computer, the power for the racks, the amps, the ‘tools processor, the desk if its not already on, and finally the speakers. We were also given the start-up procedure which is often used in larger studios, which is DORA.

As part of this week’s assignment we had to spend 3 separate sessions in studio 2, although we were able to negotiate that we spend one 3 hour session in pairs, which was handy for me as I am working a lot of the time on weekends. Doug and I went into the studio, equipped with a bass and amp, a guitar, a crybaby and an amp modeller. We initially DI’d the guitar, looped an apple drum loop and laid down a rhythm guitar bed. After this we added a bass line. At the start we miced up the amp (in dead room) with a shure beta52, but due to the quality of the amp (or lack thereof) we decided to DI the bass as well. Using the ‘tools mixer we also added some effects such as EQ and compression to all the instruments.

The final audio sample is here

I believe this was a successful session and has given me a fairly good idea of how to run both pro tools and studio 2.

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Forum - Week 3 - Compossible

In our last forum, we were given the interesting exercise of playing a song which lasted for 45 minutes. There were people singing, people playing percussion and people reading excerpts from books. It was not written as normal music though, only that we were to perform the action within a certain time, e.g. 2’30” – 3’00”. This was a very different exercise, and I can confidently say I have never done anything quite like it before. Although we were not given a specific reason of why we had to do this, I believe it was once again to give us a wider perspective of ‘what is music’. It was interesting to note some peoples reactions to this activity, some people thought it was a complete waste of time, whereas most others where indifferent. I personally was one of the indifferent people, although I thought it was an interesting and fun exercise, I think it would be more practical for us to be having forums on subjects more directly related to music technology.

Peace out.